Partnerships and Investments

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You have a location with potential for electric power charging, but you're not ready to make direct investments right now.

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Interested in investing in setting up a charging station at your location.

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Interested in owning a power station but don't have a suitable place for it.

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Interested in acquiring a fully functional Spectre charging station.

What we offer when collaborating with us

Warranty and post-warranty servicing

Installation of video surveillance system and 24/7 monitoring

Lifetime service maintenance

24/7 call center for end-user consultation

Equipment installation

Comprehensive repair and technical servicing of electric vehicles of any brand. At Spectre, we aim to create a sustainable future. Our innovative solutions allow us to provide your parking area with electric power.

Promotion of the location through advertising.

While SEO promotion is gaining momentum, you will immediately start receiving traffic to your website thanks to the configured contextual advertising.

High-quality equipment specifically designed for our climatic conditions.

All in one investment app for remote business monitoring.

Connecting the location to the unified Spectre charging station platform.

Billing for charging stations. Payment reception and distribution.

Our partners

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Submit an application

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Phone numbers:

+998 95 222 10 10

Office address:

Korakamish street 2, 5-A house