Easily find our charging stations and quickly charge your electric vehicle.

We strive to provide maximum convenience for consumers. With the SPECTRE ENERGY app, you can easily find the nearest charging station and quickly charge your electric vehicle.

Our services

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Installation and operation of charging stations for electric vehicles

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Electric Car Sales Showroom

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Service Center

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Selling Spare Parts and Consumables for Electric Vehicles

Electric Charging Stations Network

Spectre aims to create a sustainable future. Our innovative solutions enable you to power your parking with renewable energy sources.

View Catalog

You can charge your car with us at a lower price


Our app is easier to use


You can buy an EV charging device from us at a lower price

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Service Maintenance for Electric Vehicles of Any Brand

• Repair and technical servicing for your electric vehicle

• Modern equipment, qualified experts, and advanced technologies are designed to solve any complexity of issues you might encounter during the operation of your electric vehicle.

Partnerships and Investments

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You have a location with potential for electric power charging, but you're not ready to make direct investments right now.

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Interested in investing in setting up a charging station at your location.

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Interested in owning a power station but don't have a suitable place for it.

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Interested in acquiring a fully functional Spectre charging station.

Blog and News

Yangwang U8 | The Start of Our Adventure

BYD Company Ltd. is one of China’s largest privately-owned enterprises. Since its inception in 1995, the company quickly developed solid expertise in rechargeable batteries and became a relentless advocate of sustainable development, successfully expanding its renewable energy solutions globally with operations in over 50 countries and regions. Its creation of a Zero Emissions Energy Ecosystem – comprising affordable solar power generation, reliable energy storage, and cutting-edge electrified transportation – has made it an industry leader in the energy and transportation sectors. BYD is listed on the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges.

November 6, 2023

BYD | The Next Chapter Begins

BYD Company Ltd. is one of China’s largest privately-owned enterprises. Since its inception in 1995, the company quickly developed solid expertise in rechargeable batteries and became a relentless advocate of sustainable development, successfully expanding its renewable energy solutions globally with operations in over 50 countries and regions. Its creation of a Zero Emissions Energy Ecosystem – comprising affordable solar power generation, reliable energy storage, and cutting-edge electrified transportation – has made it an industry leader in the energy and transportation sectors. BYD is listed on the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges.

November 6, 2023

BYD: теперь официально в Узбекистане!

23 января текущего года компаниями UzAuto и BYD официально зарегистрировано Совместное предприятие ООО «BYD Uzbekistan Factory», которое занимается производством и продажей автомобилей, работающих на новых источниках энергии в Узбекистане.

July 21, 2023

В автомобильной промышленности Узбекистана экспорт сократился, а импорт и объемы производства резко выросли.

В январе-марте в Узбекистане было произведено 68 905 автомобилей. Об этом сообщает Госкомстат.

July 21, 2023

Импорт автомобилей в Узбекистан увеличился в 6 раз

В январе-феврале 2022 года Узбекистан импортировал из 18 зарубежных стран 5 тысяч 948 легковых автомобилей на сумму 124,5 миллиона долларов. Об этом сообщает Госкомстат.

July 21, 2023

Our clients

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Frequently asked questions

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Phone numbers:

+998 95 222 10 10

Office address:

Korakamish street 2, 5-A house